With a title like "The End... or the Begining..." one may guess that this appears to be the last post - well at the least the last post in this current series of adventues.
I have to begin (or end) by saying Thank you to all that have chose to follow our adventures and a special thank you to those who have open their hearts, homes, bed and lives to use during our travels. We are forever thankful.
We managed to travel 3800 miles, through seven states and numerous National Parks in just under three weeks. I can not even being to tell you the magnitue of memories that will forever be in our minds. It has been quite the adventure!!
Now some of you may be wondering what I have titled this last post as I did - well I have to admit I may have left a part of my heart in the Pacific Northwest so I feel that I will have more adventures to come!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Some of you may be wondering - that is if anyone is still following this thing - what the heck happened to those three? We left off in Utah - Torrey to be precise. When then ventured through Capital Reef - Did you know that Capital Reef was named so by the rock formations that look like the capitol dome and the rock formations that look like a reef - the nautical term meaning an impassible formation. Now that we have some of the history out of the way - on to the wonder... see pictures attached.

We then ventured on to Zion. It is amazing to me a mere 100 miles apart are two national parks that are so very different in formation. At Zion we scaled some mountains, teetered on the edge and continued to gawk at the amazing views.

We then set off for Vegas -- two days later all I can say is Nine Fine Irishmen/Denny's will never be the same - and what happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas.

We rounded out our trip with a 'scenic' drive home complete with a detour to the Grand Canyon.
We then ventured on to Zion. It is amazing to me a mere 100 miles apart are two national parks that are so very different in formation. At Zion we scaled some mountains, teetered on the edge and continued to gawk at the amazing views.
We then set off for Vegas -- two days later all I can say is Nine Fine Irishmen/Denny's will never be the same - and what happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas.
We rounded out our trip with a 'scenic' drive home complete with a detour to the Grand Canyon.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Day 15 - Mt. Pleasant UT to Torrey, UT
As I sip my morning coffee, gazing out at the magnanimous view that surrounds me, I am yet again baffled by nature. Sean and Susan’s house is located in the foothills of Mt. Pleasant and there is not a bad view from any window – believe me – I checked them all! Tired of sitting in the car – we decided to explore on ATVs. Sean loaded them up and took us exploring. We traversed rocks and washouts, ruts and ditches as we made our way to several of what I consider the most beautiful vistas. With the very wet spring and a day of warm weather – the mountains were a virtual rainbow of colors, brimming with new flora and fauna and even a few animals. We winded our way back down the mountain, as Mary and I tried our hands at driving – and who would of thought no one even got thrown or hurt! We washed off the layer of dust, packed the car yet again and headed south to Pat’s in Torrey, Utah. During our short 2 ½ hour drive we managed to cause a herd of cows to stampede towards the road and make the day of two kids selling lemonade for 10 cents a glass. We arrived in Torrey and sat with Pat chatting and catching up and were greeting by yet another familiar face – Tim. The four of us (Zack, Mary, Tim and I) headed off to the local watering hole ‘The Patio’ for nourishment, liquid refreshment and some horseshoes! After a pleasant visit we turned in for the night – tomorrow we will view the splendor of Capital Reef, Zion and the lights of Vegas!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Day 14 – Whidbey Island, WA to Mt. Pleasant, UT
Today has been a very interesting day to say the least! We woke up at 4am, packed the car and said our goodbyes. With about 850 miles behind us, we hit four states and made it safely to Mt. Pleasant, Utah to Sean and Susan’s before the sun set. Tonight we will sleep well, awaiting whatever adventures Utah brings tomorrow!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Day Thirteen - Whidbey Island, WA
After yet another relaxing and leisurely morning, and being well fed we set off to explore this beautiful island. We headed north towards the Deception Bridge. Some interesting facts to ponder about the bridge: it is approximately 180 feet from the bridge to the water, on average 20,000 cars cross over it each day, and the current runs at about 9kts under the bridge depending on the tide. In the spring of 1792, Joseph Whidbey, master of HMS Discovery and Captain Vancouver's chief navigator, sailed through the narrow passage that is now called Deception Pass and proved that it was not really a small bay as charted by the Spaniards (hence the name "Deception"), but a deep and turbulent channel that connects the Strait of Juan de Fuca with the Saratoga Passage, which separates the mainland from what they believed was a peninsula (actually Fidalgo Island and Whidbey Island). Every year this bridge becomes the last step for many people as they choose to end their lives by jumping in the frigid waters; with a 90% fatality rate, many are ‘successful.’ After a brief hike up, over and around the bridge we set off to for some higher sights – Mt. Erie. At an elevation of about 1200 feet, Mt. Erie provided a picturesque panoramic view of Whidbey and the surrounding areas. Back at Paul and Sue’s we feasted on crap and steak while visiting with more family. We turned in early on the longest day of the year in preparation for our longest drive yet. 
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day Twelve - Forest Grove, OR to Whidbey Island, WA
After a leisurely morning, reorganizing the car and some delicious buns – we were on the road again in search of a new state and a continuation of our adventures. We kissed the OR wine country behind and headed north towards Seattle. We arrive in Seattle and take in the sights. We visit Pike’s Market, seeing some flying fish and rubbing noses with the legendary pig. We then take the walk to the space needle all while acquiring some more souvenirs. With a few pictures taken we pile back in the car and head to the island, Whidbey Island. After a delicious ice cream cone and a ferry ride we find ourselves at Paul and Sue’s door. No sooner do we approach the door, both Mary and Zack notice the distinct smell of sauce cooking while I marvel at the location – Paul Sue sit on the Puget sound. We are greeted once again with a meal fit for royalty and good company. As the sun sets and we refill our drinks we look west and can actually see Canada! Tomorrow we will explore the island, take a photo of the world’s most photographed bridge and feast on some Dungeness crab.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day Eleven - Forest Grove, OR
You know the saying ‘when in Rome…’ - well when in Oregon taste the wine! Today Michelle, Mary and I set off for a few hours to have some girl time and explore local wine country. We visited two vineyards soaking in the beauty of this county and sipping up wine.
In the later afternoon Zack, Mary and I ventured into Portland to see what it had to offer and in attempt abolish our negative views on big cities. We entered the city in search of sushi and boy did we find it! We ate at Todai – a fantastic seafood buffet filled with all types of sushi and various other deliciousness! We successfully at ourselves stupid again! We strolled around Portland and I do believe our view of cities has softened. Tomorrow we will head north and explore Seattle before heading to Whidbey Island.
In the later afternoon Zack, Mary and I ventured into Portland to see what it had to offer and in attempt abolish our negative views on big cities. We entered the city in search of sushi and boy did we find it! We ate at Todai – a fantastic seafood buffet filled with all types of sushi and various other deliciousness! We successfully at ourselves stupid again! We strolled around Portland and I do believe our view of cities has softened. Tomorrow we will head north and explore Seattle before heading to Whidbey Island.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Day Ten - Lakeside, OR to Forest Gove, OR
We were up and adam early this morning and on the road by 6am!! About an hour into our travels we pulled into the sleepy town of Elkton. With a recommendation of Kathy and Tom we stopped at Tomacelli’s for what turned out to be a fantastic breakfast. We then continued west in search of Crater Lake. (With the detour in our trip we missed it on the way north). As we entered the park, we looked around and were baffled – there was SNOW on the ground!! We circumnavigated the most beautiful, pristine body of water I have ever seen. I would not even know how to begin to describe the water in Creator Lake, and I assure you these pictures do not do it justice – definitely something I urge you to experience for yourself.
We then headed north towards Forest Grove (just west of Portland) to Michelle’s. We were once again greeted with open arms, good company and a home cooked meal (and pie, and bread and jam and biscotti). We are more than blessed to know so many people that are willing not only to put us up but to spoil us rotten!!
We then headed north towards Forest Grove (just west of Portland) to Michelle’s. We were once again greeted with open arms, good company and a home cooked meal (and pie, and bread and jam and biscotti). We are more than blessed to know so many people that are willing not only to put us up but to spoil us rotten!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day Nine - Lakeside, OR
Today we laid low as it was our last day with Kathy and Tom. The three of us (Zack, Mary and I) Cruised the Coos (that is what the locals call hanging out in Coos Bay). Then we all went to Kathy and Tom’s favorite seafood restaurant and to another restaurant for pie. We then searched the ocean’s floor in search of sand dollars and ended the night with another lighthouse. This extra time in Oregon has been well spent!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Day Eight - Lakeside, OR
Many thanks to the diligent and kind efforts of Tom, I awoke to my window being fixed! With that taken care of we set out exploring once again, this time we headed north to Yachats. Today we went to and toured one of the eight Oregon lighthouses. This lighthouse in particular has the largest footprint out of all of the coastal light houses. With another wonderful lunch we explored some natural wonders – a blowhole and toilet bowl!
Travel updates:
June 17th Lakeside, OR
June 18th & 19th Forest Grove, OR
June 20th & 21st Whidbey Island, WA
June 22nd & 23rd – Utah
June 24th & 25th – Las Vegas, NV
Monday, June 15, 2009
Day Seven - Lakeside, OR
After a long night slumber I awoke in a comfortable bed with the smell of coffee wafting under my door. After a leisurely morning the five of us (Kathy, Tom, Zack, Mary and I) piled into the truck in search of the ocean, some solace and rejuvenation that only the ocean and a good hike could bring. We headed south of Coos Bay area stopping briefly to fill our coolers with fresh delicacies from the sea, or at least the seafood store. In true Kathy style – we stopped briefly at a seemingly random trail head off the side of the road and unloaded ourselves. Tom remained in the truck delivering our lunch to an undisclosed location. We proceeded to explore the trail that winded along the coast line. After some time we met up and Tom at a picnic area that was ‘reserved just for us.’ We feasted, napped, explored, chatted with the sea lions and even saw a few whales. By the end of the day we began gathering thoughts, and re-planning. We were all left agreeing that an ill wind does blow some good.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Day Six – San Fransisco to Lakeside, OR??
We awoke this morning feeling well rested from our slumber in hotel beds. You would be surprised what comforts you begin to miss the further you travel from home. Sorry I digress – our ‘plans’ for the day included the San Fran sights: the crooked street, the Golden Gate bridge, and some sushi. Mary and I checked out and gathered some information while Zack headed to the car. As we rounded the corner the look of dismay on Zack’s face began to tell a story that no one wanted to hear. Sometime between 1am and 11am the car was broken into and pillaged. Among things taken were our sleeping bags, some gas money, souvenirs and a bag of dirty clothes. At this point we all agreed that we had enough of the city life so we headed north. With the use of a vacuum, and a few bucks in quarters we cleaned the car and cleared our minds. We decided not to allow this to adversely affect our trip, we will forge on, and that is what we did. We found a local diner (called Bubba’s – apparently made famous by being shown on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives) where we ate our selves stupid and made some necessary calls. With full belies and rejuvenated hearts we piled in the car for the long drive up the coast to Lakeside, OR. As we dove north the changing views of the northern California coast continued to entertain us. Along with singing, dancing, makeshift window coverings, Paul Bunon and perhaps a dinosaur, our longest drive yet had come to an end. We were greeted in the late hours of the night with hugs and warm beds.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Day Five - San Fransisco
Up and out early we decided to explore the city and to our great joy we realized it was Saturday. What might Saturday in San Fransisco mean - the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market. Walking up and down the peer our senses were stimulated. Aroma of fresh fruits, danced with lavender and spices. Our taste buds were treated to samples of sweet plums, fresh bread and raw oysters. In search of a bit of down time we searched out Philz Coffee - brewed 'One Cup at a Time.'
Once our batteries are recharged we will set off exploring once again in search of trolley cars, fresh sushi and Alcatraz.
But for now, as I sit here, sipping a single brewed cup of coffee made just for me, with a view of San Fransisco surrounding me - I am content.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day Four - Yosemite to San Fran
We awoke this morning shivering. Who would have thought it would be so cold in June... at 5000 feet... in the middle of the woods... OK so we should have known. After yet another roaring fire and delicious breakfast we were off to explore some more. (For those of your worried we are living off of PB&J see the attached breakfast of champions).
Today gazing at the map we realized that we have barely begun to touch this park, however if we spent a week here I doubt we would complete more than a small fraction. So we set off in search of the falls. After a scenic drive, and getting a little dizzy (one should not attempt to hold their breath through a tunnel of unknown length) we found what we were looking for. We took several short jaunts to and from several different falls. There is something to be said for thousands of gallons of water hurling over a rock ledge hundreds of feet high, I think we could have watched them for hours - but San Fransisco called...
Piling back into the car we began the long but beautiful country drive out of the park and to San Fransisco. Once again I would love to begin to describe the views, but words allude me. In the words of Zack 'Wow, wow, wow... I guess I should find a different word.'
We arrived in San Fransisco and were greeted by cold wind and Mary's brother Adam. After dumping our belongings and taking much needed showers we were off to find food. Being in a city of many flavors, we decided on Thai, ate ourselves silly, and climbed the hills back to our bed for the night.
A thousand miles traveled, a few more to go and the memories we have created are already astounding.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day Three... Santa Barbara to Yosemite
I don't think I have ever felt so small, so tiny, so minuscule...
Today we drove from Santa Barbara inland to Yosemite and set up camp at Summerdale. With a short 1.5 mile drive and the use of a National Parks Pass (thanks Ann) we found ourselves surrounded by giants and engulfed in nature. For our madden exploration of the park we decided to to tackle the GIANT SEQUOIAs - figuratively of course. Our adventure of about four miles round trip has left me relatively speechless. How does one begin to describe the magnitude of these trees or the wonder of God's creations. I am baffled that some can continue to live their entire lives and never as much as desire to gaze at this beauty that surrounds us. How does one walk through this and continue to question the existence of a higher being? The pictures included do not even begin to do it justice. Tonight we camp among trees that are hundreds of years old, in the same places that those before us laid. Tomorrow we continue to explore these wonders.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day Two - Carlsbad to Santa Barbara
Early this morning we left the comforts and tranquility of the ocean in search of brighter things – stars! Fighting our way up Cali freeways we found ourselves in Hollywood and began to ask ourselves – What’s your dream? We began to wander searching, as our hands and feet found their way to the sidewalk beneath the Chinese theater. There we were greeted by not so famous versions of Marylyn Monroe, Elmo and Captain Jack Sparrow who continues to search for his rum. No closer to discovering our dream – we looked towards the stars; conveniently located on the side walk; then up to the heaves – but to our dismay only found the Hollywood sign. Continuing our search in the true American tradition of debt and fashion we headed to Rodeo Drive. To our further dismay we had to leave our dreams there at the counter in Tiffany and Chanel. The three of us continued to forge north up historic 101. As the night draws near you may be asking yourself – did they find there dream? Well my friends as I sit here with a view of ocean and the roar of another great Taddei fire, I assure you dreams are the days you will never forget and the nights you don’t want to end.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day One – Wittmann, AZ to Carlsbad, CA
We leave Wittmann and head west in search of the Pacific and relaxation… We arrived at Carlsbad State Beach and found both. Awestruck by our view; a small fence and a cliff the only thing separating us from the ocean; we set up camp in minutes.
After a quick run to the store for food and liquid nourishment we set off exploring. The sun began to set with the smell if dinner cooking. Now we sit with bellies full, fire warming our toes by a fire. The sounds of waves crashing and Johny Cash allow us to slip further into a state of relaxation as we ponder tomorrow’s adventures.

This is how life should be lived!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
My Bags Are Packed...
We're ready to go! Well almost - Zack and Mary arrived safely late last night and all that is left to do is pack up all this stuff into the car.
So we will spend tonight at my folks house then we are off - headed into the sunset.
It may be due to lack of sleep, or over excitement but at this moment I can't even begin to put into words how stoked I am about this trip. Not only have I been wanting to go on this trip for as long as I can remember but I need the break!
This year has been a bit nuts, with school, and classes and working and test... yuck! Well it is time for a much needed break - no school, no test, no work - now that sounds like a vacation!! So here we go....
So we will spend tonight at my folks house then we are off - headed into the sunset.
It may be due to lack of sleep, or over excitement but at this moment I can't even begin to put into words how stoked I am about this trip. Not only have I been wanting to go on this trip for as long as I can remember but I need the break!
This year has been a bit nuts, with school, and classes and working and test... yuck! Well it is time for a much needed break - no school, no test, no work - now that sounds like a vacation!! So here we go....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Lodging Updates
I talked to Kathy (and Tom) in OR today and we are all set to spend the night of the 16th and 17th there. Also got an email back from Michelle (Portland) and we are all set to stay there the night of the 18th. Now just have to firm up plans with Paul/Sue (WA) and the Utah crew then we will have a place to lay our heads every night!!
Campgrounds are all booked too:
Carlsbad, CA - Carlsbad State Beach
Santa Barbara, CA - El Capitan State Beach
Yosemite, CA - Summerdale Campground
Eureka, CA - Eureka KOA
Medford, OR - Medford KOA
Bosie, ID - Bosie KOA
And for our two nights in Vegas:
The Excalibur - not the fanciest hotel in Vegas but a great location and nice enough.
Wow the more plans I make the more this becomes a reality!!
T-minus 13 days and counting!!!! :)
Campgrounds are all booked too:
Carlsbad, CA - Carlsbad State Beach
Santa Barbara, CA - El Capitan State Beach
Yosemite, CA - Summerdale Campground
Eureka, CA - Eureka KOA
Medford, OR - Medford KOA
Bosie, ID - Bosie KOA
And for our two nights in Vegas:
The Excalibur - not the fanciest hotel in Vegas but a great location and nice enough.
Wow the more plans I make the more this becomes a reality!!
T-minus 13 days and counting!!!! :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Talked to Zack and Mary this morning to discuss travel plans and boy are they stoked!! I think we have worked out most of the logistics and now we will start looking into the fun stuff.
Needed: Since two out of the three of us going are flying in I am in need of some additional camping/travel gear... If anyone has two sleeping bags, camping cook wear and/or a roof top carrier I could borrow - it would be appreciated! :)
I have updated some travel dates - and added an overnight in Walla Walla (thanks Josh).
Check out the updated details and I am going to start booking campsites!!
Needed: Since two out of the three of us going are flying in I am in need of some additional camping/travel gear... If anyone has two sleeping bags, camping cook wear and/or a roof top carrier I could borrow - it would be appreciated! :)
I have updated some travel dates - and added an overnight in Walla Walla (thanks Josh).
Check out the updated details and I am going to start booking campsites!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Plan...

So here is the tentative itinerary - with changes probable.
The dates posted are the nights we will be sleeping in that city; also posted are some stops we may make along the way.
Feel free to read through and make some suggestions on where we should stop along the way. Any input is appreciated and welcomed!!
The dates posted are the nights we will be sleeping in that city; also posted are some stops we may make along the way.
Feel free to read through and make some suggestions on where we should stop along the way. Any input is appreciated and welcomed!!
Wittmann, AZ – June 8th
- Joshua Tree National Park
Carlsbad, CA – June 9th
- Carlsbad State Beach – Camping
- Hollywood, CA – sightseeing
Santa Barbara, CA – June 10th
- Camp at El Captain SB /Refugio Sate Beach
Yosemite National Park, CA – June 11th
- Camp around here - Summerdale Campground
San Francisco, CA – June 12th & 13th
- Stay with Mary’s brother
- Alcatraz night tour
Eureka, CA – June 14th
- Eureka KOA
- Redwood National Park
Medford, OR – June 15th
- Medford KOA
- Crater Lake National Park
Eugune, OR – June 16th & 17th
- Stay with Kathy/Tom
- Oregon Dunes
Portland, OR – June 18th
- Stay with Michelle
- Visit Wendy
Seattle, WA – June 19th
- Stay with Paul/Sue
Walla Walla, WA - June 20th
-Stay at Josh's family cabin
Bosie, Idaho – June 21st
- Bosie KOA
Salt Lake City, UT – June 22nd
- Stay with Sean
Torrey, UT – June 23rd
-Stay with Katie/Patty
- Capitol Reef/Nat. Bridges
Las Vegas, NV – June 24th & 25th
Wittmann, AZ – June 26th
Welcome - Welcome - Welcome!!
So in an attempt to keep everyone posted on my trips this summer I have decided to join the blogging world!
As many of you may know I love to travel and love to drive. I have had the great opportunity to drive cross country three times and up and down the east coast several times in my seemingly short life.
Now my friends, it is time to explore the west!!
Being a teacher I am fortunate enough to have several weeks off during the summer and choose to spend most of them traveling.
This summer I will be driving (with my cousin Zack and his girlfiend Mary) from Phoenix, AZ up the west coast as far north as Whidbey Island (located 30 miles north of Seattle, WA).
On our way north we will stick close to the coast (I need some serious beach time), and on our way back south we will venture inland.
More travel details coming soon.....
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