Friday, June 12, 2009

Day Four - Yosemite to San Fran

We awoke this morning shivering. Who would have thought it would be so cold in June... at 5000 feet... in the middle of the woods... OK so we should have known. After yet another roaring fire and delicious breakfast we were off to explore some more. (For those of your worried we are living off of PB&J see the attached breakfast of champions).

Today gazing at the map we realized that we have barely begun to touch this park, however if we spent a week here I doubt we would complete more than a small fraction. So we set off in search of the falls. After a scenic drive, and getting a little dizzy (one should not attempt to hold their breath through a tunnel of unknown length) we found what we were looking for. We took several short jaunts to and from several different falls. There is something to be said for thousands of gallons of water hurling over a rock ledge hundreds of feet high, I think we could have watched them for hours - but San Fransisco called...

Piling back into the car we began the long but beautiful country drive out of the park and to San Fransisco. Once again I would love to begin to describe the views, but words allude me. In the words of Zack 'Wow, wow, wow... I guess I should find a different word.'

We arrived in San Fransisco and were greeted by cold wind and Mary's brother Adam. After dumping our belongings and taking much needed showers we were off to find food. Being in a city of many flavors, we decided on Thai, ate ourselves silly, and climbed the hills back to our bed for the night.

A thousand miles traveled, a few more to go and the memories we have created are already astounding.

1 comment:

  1. Those waterfalls had to be amazing to see in person...I am so jealous. Wish you guys the best of luck on your journey. Happy Trails...I will check back in a couple days.
